Friday, May 20, 2011

Birthday time again - Seven already

I am really behind on putting up pictures but here are a few from Stella's birthday last week. Firstly the cakes on the actual birthday and then with her friends at a party the day after.

We had lots of fun with party games. The favourite was the detective game where all her friends were detectives and Africa was a robber. As she dashed in the room in fancy dress, everyone had to quickly write down six of the things she was wearing. They loved it! Another favourite was the flour mountain. They took it in turns to scoop flour away from a sweet which was balancing on top of a flour mountain. The first to knock the sweet off had to eat it without using their hands. Very messy and of course, all the children really wanted to knock the sweet off!

Friends in clockwise order from Stella: Africa, Tilly, Lexi, Anousha, Harriet, Alex, Inacio, Winnie and Lilah.

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