Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Fun

This is Stella relaxing on the sofa at her friend Abbie's house. Abbie has a brother Joseph who's just the same age as Affy so we like going over there to play. Stella loves playing with Abbie's dolls house and Abbie's dad, Ben, is always good at organising the girls to do art projects when we're there, so that Abbie's mum, Natascha, and I can chat and have a cup of tea!!

Yesterday we had a lovely day after visiting Abbie we went kite flying with Fabio and Massimo on Hackney Marshes. The boys and Stella all went on their bikes. Stella's getting really good at balancing on her Likabike now, and hopefully she'll be able to move onto a proper bicycle soon. Kite flying was a bit crazy because it was so windy. Tim said it was the first time he'd flown a kite too. We must do it more often as it was lots of fun.

This is Stella and Abbie

This is Stella and Massimo and Stella and Tim kite flying:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Three and three quarters

This is Stella hugging a tree in the lake district where we visited Grandma and Grandad this weekend. It was so cold while we were there, we didn't really get to go outside much, although Stella is always delighted with Grandad's big TV anyway so she didn't mind that much.

Stella's really looking forward to being four. I'm not sure if it's the birthday presents, the party or the fact that I suggested I might build her bunk beds once she was four. I'm now beginning to regret this promise as Africa is a real climber and her history of accidents makes me very nervous about building such a tall object in their bedroom.

We're still waiting to hear which school Stella is going to go to, but in the meantime, in spite of my worries about her being the oldest at Little Buds she still seems really happy there.

Stella's getting really good on her likeabike and can balance quite well so I'm wondering if we might graduate to a proper bicycle soon.