Saturday, February 16, 2008

In Springfield Park

We had a lovely afternoon in Springfield Park last week with friends, Tash and Jovin and their daughter Frieda who is the same age as Africa. It was a really warm afternoon for February and Stella had lots of fun running around and rocking on the wooden animals there.

Stella is getting really interested in writing now. She can write her name and recognises most of the alphabet. I have to admit to not having spent much time pushing this, but they do help her a lot at nursery and I can tell that she will start to get the hang of reading very soon, whether I like it or not!!

Daddy has been busy the past few weeks with his book tour but Stella has really enjoyed watching where he's been on a big map on her wall. She also likes watching video clips when he appears on TV, although the messages are not always age appropriate...

She's being a really lovely big sister these days too. She doesn't like to sleep in her bed but on the floor next to Affy. Affy seems to like this too and they both sleep better as a result. Finally, I've got them to go to bed at the same time too, which is a result!