Thursday, September 13, 2007

In Wales

We've had a lovely summer of UK holidays including a trip to South Wales for a week. I think the highlight for Stella was sleeping on the top bed of a bunk bed at one of the houses which we rented in St Davids, but we also had a great time visiting the National Welsh Botanic Gardens where I took these pictures. We're already having to start thinking about which school Stella will go to as we have to make our application at the beginning of next year. She won't start until January 2009 though. In the meantime she's still enjoying Little Buds three days a week.

Stella has entered the phase of devotion to all things pink (do all girls go through this??) and having persuaded me to buy her a pink tutu a few weeks ago has now started ballet too (at her own request!). On the first day before we got there she announced that she wanted to go in on her own and for me and Africa to leave her there. So, I did as I was told (eye's misting up!) and she got on just fine. The second time I was a bit surprised that she was less gung ho about heading in, but after a few minutes watching she still went for it. Fortunately for now, ballet seems to mainly involve jumping around being a star and running around pretending to be a car. This seems pretty harmless! I must get a picture of the tutu soon..