Sunday, August 21, 2005

Stella is a flower girl

Stella was one of the flower girls at her babysitter Alice's wedding on August 13th. The wedding was in the garden of a lovely B&B on the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis, Maryland. In spite of temperatures of about 110 degrees Fareinheit, she had a great time and took the whole event in her stride and even walked down the aisle with all the other flower girls (with a bit of help from her escort who kindly carried her basket of flower petals!).

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Daddy practises his karate moves!

Tim had a karate grading this month and was keen to get out and practise. Stella was much more intrigued by me and my camera though!

Monday, August 01, 2005

All wrapped up

This is actually a photo from when we were in Canada last month. This was early one morning when Stella wouldn't sleep because of jetlag and we were trying not to wake the grandparents!
She's lots of fun at the moment, we counted over fifty new words last night - of course most of them only intelligible to her parents! Some current favourites are oh dear, door and beer.