Sunday, November 14, 2004

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Six months old

Stella is six months old today and as I write she is rolling herself under the sofa! She's become quite a proficient roller. Spotting an object of interest across the other side of the room she can now roll her way over to it. We're going to have to start paying a bit more attention to where we leave all our stuff.

Other new tricks include sitting up, for short stints at least, before wobbling over and spinning over onto her front. Two new teeth appeared about a fortnight ago as well, so Stella is great at biting anything that she might find in her mouth, especially Tim's fingers.

She is gradually gaining a taste for solid food. Carrot, sweet potato, squash, apple, banana, avocado and rice cereal have all been tried and sometimes swallowed. At the moment Stella's favourite part of the meal seems to be the water...

We're still working on sleep. She usually manages one five hour stretch a night now but I'm still being woken up a bit more regularly than I'd like.

Stella's smiles certainly ease the pain of any lack of sleep. On Friday we went for Stella's six month doctor's appointment and Dr Razi commented that she found the consistency of her happiness to be quite remarkable. So do we, considering the amateur parenting she gets, but we hope it will last!